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The <sdpi-radio> component provides a styled wrapper of <input type="radio">.


Property Inspector HTML
<sdpi-item label="Radio">
<sdpi-radio setting="fav_number" columns="3">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
<option value="4">Four</option>
<option value="5">Five</option>


A collection of radio inputs in the Stream Deck property inspector using the sdpi-radio web component


The value of <sdpi-radio> can be represented as a boolean, number or string, based on the value-type; the default type is string.

"value": true | 1 | "one"


The component supports the following configuration.

columnsnumberThe number of columns to render the inputs in; valid values are 1-6.
defaultstringThe default value; shown when the persisted value is undefined.
disabledbooleanDetermines whether the input is disabled.
valueboolean, number, or stringThe value of the component, and the persisted setting.
value-type'boolean', 'number', or 'string'Optional, the preferred value type of the persisted setting; when 'boolean', 'false' and 0 will equate in false. Defaults to 'string'.

Data Source​


Optionally, this components options can be loaded dynamically using the datasource attribute. When specified, this loads the options from the plugin, read more.

datasourcestringThe optional remote data source.
hot-reloadbooleanWhen present, sendToPropertyInspector is actively monitored allowing for the plugin to update the items.
loadingstringWhen a datasource is specified, this text is shown whilst the items are loaded.


The value of the component can be automatically persisted to the Stream Deck with the following configuration.

globalbooleanWhen present, the value will be persisted to the global settings.
settingstringThe path of the property where the value should be persisted in the settings.

The setting represents the path of a property. If required, this path can denote a nested property within the settings, e.g. if the setting were, the value would be saved to:

"foo": {
"bar": {
"prop": <value>